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What if we tell you that you can widen your reach to customers who are looking for better deals? There are far more people looking for the best deals on electricity and gas than you realise. Wouldn’t it be amazing to touch base with them and to introduce and offer your products and services?

Lead Generation through Email Marketing

Many consumers have subscribed to email listings of a specific industry. It makes lead generation through email marketing a great place to approach the right customers. With our affiliate network of 6.3 million+ Australian consumers, we can deliver your message to target consumers based on age, income, homeownership, and geography. We do both inbound and outbound email marketing.

Acquiring Potential Customers through Co-Registration

Also known as Coreg, this type of lead generation is accomplished by launching your offer to consumers, usually through incentivised traffic. We can generate thousands of leads that meet your criteria every day. From creating the perfect message to drive home the point, to keeping possible converts engaged through a continuous lead care strategy, EMBR is here to assist you all the way.

Reaching Out Through Search and Display

One of the best and easiest ways to promote your brand is through search and display. It is also among the most infallible techniques. That’s because the target consumers are those who were already searching for your products or services. With search and display, your brand is guaranteed to reach the right target audience. We can design banner and text ads and run them across our ad platform to reach millions of Australian consumers.

Getting the Maximum Exposure through Social Media

Millions of Australians are amongst the most active users of social media; 60% of the population uses Facebook. Of this, 50% log onto their Facebook accounts at least once daily. Aside from Facebook, millions are also using other social media platforms, such as Instagram and YouTube. Therefore, social media is an abundant source of leads. We can prepare and implement effective marketing campaigns to bring you leads from different social channels, like Facebook.

Get in Touch with Our Team for All Your Lead Generation Needs

Lead generation can help you leverage your market reach, and this is precisely what we do. We at EMBR understands how powerful lead generation practices can be in targeting and maintaining consumer interest to convert them into customers.

Let us help you improve and promote your campaigns. Contact us today, and let’s get your marketing strategies rolling!

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