In Business, Lead Generation

While TV and online advertising may be the front face of your business and play a vital role in connecting with the public, we know that for businesses with implemented data-driven marketing strategies, the main driver is direct marketing. That’s the marketing that directly tells potential customers how your business will suit them. It’s the best way to personalise a customer experience, rather than just mass marketing and hoping that your advertising reaches the target demographic that could actually benefit from your service or product.

So, if you’ve got the team, the resource and the strategy, how can you create an efficient way to bring in potential clients? With lead generation, we can bring the right person to other end of your sales pitch phone call. You can spend your time training your sales team to heighten your standard of customer experience while we deliver real-time leads via API of a targeted demographic to you.

Having conversations with the right people changes the way you conduct your sales pitch. Here’s 5 ways to ensure you experience a high lead conversion rate and express your brand in the best way possible.


  1. Know your Brand

Who are you as a brand? The many elements that fall under the category of ‘marketing’ should all play their part but ultimately everything should lead back to WHO your brand is. People cling to being able to relate to others in relationships and it’s the same for the consumer when looking for a brand. Unless you are the only one providing your specific product or service, chances are there are going to be other businesses out there that also suit your potential customer. So, what makes your brand so irresistibly different?

When pitching to your potential customer, don’t be afraid to add a personal touch to your spiel. No one wants to hear a rehearsed, robot-like series of sentences stringed together. Make it clear what your company stands for and the reason why someone should pick your business over others. It’s more than just offering incentives or throwing out saving figures, it’s creating rapport.


  1. Customer Service Consistency [Face to Face & Over the Phone]

If your business operates with face-to-face sales as well as telephone sales, make consistency a top priority across all customer service platforms. Each customer experience is just as important as the last. Make sure you are giving your teams adequate experience in not just brand knowledge, but in people and communication skills. Your customers will remember your business if their first encounter with it was pleasant. After all, your sales team is the forefront of your business – if you invest in them, your business will see a desirable return on that investment.


  1. Be the Answer

You should never have to beg for a customer to use your product or service. In this day and age, a desperate sales pitch can be noticed from a mile away. With social media and self-education, people are now more perceptive to dodgy sales pitches. People will make up their minds pretty quickly as to whether they need what you’re selling. With data-marketing however, you can market to your categorised demographic, that is, a group of people who have already proven to fit your target demographic. This way, you’re an answer to their problem or a worthwhile addition to their life.

Know your ideal customer and create a service that helps, adds and enriches their life. Create a community feel around your brand and turn your one-time customers into repeat customers. If someone feels at home or feels a connection to your brand, they’re much more likely to return to your business and recommend it to others.


  1. Brand Consistency

Just as customer service consistency holds a high importance, brand consistency is make or break for your business. Customers don’t want to purchase from an unsteady business or one that has an inconsistency in the values, benefits or services it promotes.

Brand consistency also refers to your branding – colouring, fonts and design. Your specific design should be recognisable and trigger a familiarity when the consumer sees it. How your business is presented to the public should boldy state who you are as a company and always uphold the standard you set from the beginning.


  1. Communication Skills

When speaking to a potential customer, it’s your role to turn them into a paying customer. They’re already in your target demographic and are already on the phone with you, at this point it’s time capture their attention as to why they should sign up or buy from you. Remember, it’s obvious that you believe in your product, so the goal should be to discover their needs and meet them where they are at. Communicate your why and communicate how your service or product can add to their life – don’t just point out the generic features of the product or service. Personalise every sale, since every sale is a conversation with an individual person.

Solid communication skills are invaluable, but it’s often something that’s mastered over time. When training your team, aim to get them to the stage of knowing the why behind the business, along with their sales pitch and incentive spiel. This will result in a more genuine conversation between them and the potential client.

Gone are the days of force-feeding sales pitches to anyone and everyone. People are inundated with information and now have answers at the click of a button. So, it’s better to focus on a relational and empathetic approach. Treat customers as people – people with real lives, real issues and real goals. This will result in your potential customer feeling understood. Once that rapport is established, your potential client is more likely to become a paying, and hopefully repeat, customer.

We specialise in lead generation and lead conversion. Contact us at EMBR for more information on our consulting services and training to bring you strategy and deeper insight into closing leads.

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