In Articles, Investment Property, Lead Generation

How to market to the right audience to generate more Australian investment property leads:

New client acquisition for Australian investment property leads, how is it done? Better yet, how is it done consistently and with high quality? Whether your method relies solely on call centre sales marketing or you specialise in the one-to-one consultation bookings, we care about your sales strategy and attracting you the ideal customer. Because, your targeting is our targeting.

You know the market and you understand your customers, you’re able to provide them with the best investment strategy for their lifestyle and financial position. We value that you’re the investment and property experts, our aim is to ignite growth in your business and we do that by allowing you to provide the expert service to the leads we provide.

EMBR could easily be mistaken for a dating service.

Why? We pair together perfect matches for long lasting relationships. Business relationships of course.

How does it work?

We start by working WITH you to decipher your ideal customer.

So, who is your prime potential client? Who do you want to speak to? Are there any commonalities amongst all your existing clients? We don’t dictate to you who your lead should be. We work backwards from your ‘ideal client’ profile and hand craft a lead capture campaign to suit your requirements. This is an example consumer profile we have been given by an actual client. The goal for us is to seek out as many opt-in leads who meet this criteria:

  • Mum and dads
  • Aged 35 – 55 years old
  • Who own or are paying off their home
  • Earn over $80,000 p/a household combined income
  • Living in metro areas within postcode targets: 3000 – 3189 and 4000 – 4125
  • Have a clean credit history
  • Are interested in learning how to invest and build wealth for their retirement
  • Are interested in Government tax incentives for them to reduce the amount of tax they pay
  • Are looking to reduce their debt or improve their finance structures

Whatever criteria works best with your sales methods and the investment strategy you provide, we supply leads to meet it. We understand that your perfect customer isn’t a cookie cutter fit, you probably have specifics when looking for the right person to market to and we get that.

Should your targeting shift, possibly by GEO location or financial criteria, we tweak the campaigns to ensure we’re continually bringing in the right consumers for your sales conversions. Knowing your target market and consistently evaluating how your criteria is tracking, is crucial for converting a sales conversation into an actual sale. If you’re talking with the right potential client, then there’s a higher chance of closing the deal.

With our strict consumer profiling system, we weed out those who may not be a great for conversion and provide you with the leads that, after speaking with you and your team, could take the next step in investing in property. Depending on the style of campaign you decide on, your leads type can be from any of the following campaigns:

  • Opt-in Homeowner
    •   Lead qualifies as a homeowner; your sales team then follows up to introduce your brand and services.
  • Qualified Profile Campaign
    • If a profile campaign is the best choice for you, the question may read something like, “How much equity do you currently have in your property?”. The consumer would then select the amount bracket they fall under and, if they have the amount you’re looking to work with, the lead qualifies.
  • Branded Co-reg
    • The lead would see a branded, strategically worded question and would be given a yes/no option. Depending on the question, the qualifying answer would be sent through as a lead.
  • Landing Page Campaign
    • With this high-quality method, we optimise your campaign and drive traffic to a brand designed landing page, this can be designed either by your team or by our in-house design team. The lead would then opt-in to a specific question, tailored solely for your brand.
  • Email Direct Marketing
    • Consumers are sent a brand designed opt-in offer straight to their email address. We have an affiliate email marketing data base of 6+ million Australian users.

With lead generation, rather than marketing to the masses, you’re targeting a certain audience. This saves time and effort on your behalf and sees your business have a better ROI. When it comes to investment property leads, we understand that it’s not just the once off sale that keeps your business rolling, it’s the consistency of new client acquisition. This comes from a tailored campaign delivering you quality leads day in, day out.

Talk to us today about how a Property Lead Generation campaign is the perfect fit for you.

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