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Best Ways To Market Investment Property to Mums and Dads

Marketing investment property to mums and dads is a challenging task to do. However, if you clearly know your target market and are quite familiar with your product, then marketing to parents should not be that difficult for you.

Property is also called “real” estate because you can actually see and touch your investment. This is why there’s a preference for real estate when it comes to investing.

Investing in property is also a simple transaction in relation to other investment options out there. What’s more, the same fundamentals apply to properties anywhere in the country. If you make mums and dads realise these factors, then it’ll be helpful when you start marketing investment property to them.

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3 Tips to Market Investment Property to Mums and Dads

Below are some tips on how you can market investment property to mums and dads.

  1. Make it personal.

In marketing investment property, it works to make it personal. Explore the situation of mums and dads right now and use it to aid your marketing strategy. For example, according to the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS), more young people are choosing to live with their parents even until their early adulthood. Comparing data from 1981 to data in 2016, there has been an increase in the percentage of 20 to 24-year-olds who are living with their parents, from 36% to 43%.

While the trend is still to move out of their parent’s house as they get older, Australians tend to leave home at a later age. The study further shows that in 2016, about 17% of 25 to 29-year-olds and 7% of 30 to 35-year-olds are still living at home with their parents.

Given these data, you might want to market your investment property to parents who wish to help their children get started on becoming independent in life. This is just one route to consider. If you conduct research on your target market and make it personal, then your marketing campaign will be relatable to mums and dads.

  1. Make it short and straightforward.

Another study done by AIFS notes that more parents with kids are working in 2016 (61%) than in 1996 (53%). In fact, there has been a decrease in the number of stay-at-home mums.

Given this, marketing investment property to mums and dads should be short and straightforward. They won’t have time to process your marketing campaign if it’s loaded with jargons and is too long. With their busy schedule at work and in managing the household, mums and dads will surely tune out and ignore your marketing campaign if it cannot be processed easily.

  1. Go digital.

According to Totally Awesome, social media and digital advertising play a significant role when it comes to purchasing. They specifically pointed out online celebrities as strong influencers when it comes to making emotional connections with young audiences. This then results in increased “pester power” where children can influence their parent’s purchasing decisions.

Going digital is also an excellent way to create buzz on your properties. Just set aside the right amount of budget for digital ads, and you can tailor fit your campaign to your preferred target market i.e., mums and dads.

Consider EMBR Group for your Investment Property leads!

Targeting the ideal customer for you is what we do. This approach saves you more time and effort rather than targeting your marketing campaign to a general audience. If you’re marketing investment property to mums and dads, you can talk to us today so we can prepare the perfect marketing plan for you.

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