In Business, Lead Generation


Here at EMBR, we’re not fond of the ‘cut-n-paste’ method when it comes to lead generation marketing so we stay clear of it at all costs. We are determined to see your new client acquisition sky rocket and stay consistent, so we work with you from the very start to set you up for a win.

Since you’re the recipient of the leads, you know what type of consumer you want your sales team to speak to. So, below is a brief overview of the journey you’ll take with EMBR.


Who is your target demographic? 

This step is important, it’s about finding out your prime potential client. Once we know your ideal geographic location, age and profile for your sales conversion, we then reverse engineer it to put your team in conversation with only those consumers who qualify in your criteria.


What is your sales method?

Our lead type works best with a few specific sales types, so we bring your sales method into the conversation so we can be sure you’re receiving a campaign that’ll prove optimal for your marketing investments.


Which lead type will suit your lead requirements?

Once we know the foundations of who you’re selling to and how you sell it, we then know what campaign and lead type will be most beneficial for you. We have multiple different campaign methods and within each one, we can tailor it to suit you.


What on-going optimisation do you need?

After your campaign is live and you’re receiving leads, we don’t just send you on your way. Our attentive account managers are there to ensure the quality and conversion stays at a high. We have the ability to alter, tweak and optimise campaigns so that the real-time leads consistently work for you and your team.


EMBR is committed to setting you up for a win. It’s all about working with you to craft a successful lead generation campaign for you. Because after all, your success is our success!

If you’d like to start a conversation with us about what lead generation could do for your sales and ROI, contact us today.


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