In Business, Email Marketing


Gone are the days when just simple print marketing and foot traffic can drive sales and create sustainable revenue. The rapid growth of internet traffic and trading through ecommerce has opened up businesses, small and large, to a world of innovation when it comes to gaining customers. Online marketing is a vital part of creating awareness for a brand and ultimately increasing a customer database. But with such a density of advertising campaigns flooding people’s browsers every day, how can a business stand out from the crowd?

EMBR has developed a unique co-registration method that creates brand awareness and a flow of customers within a targeted demographic. It’s a system that brings potential customers to a business’s internet doorstep, as a result creating more business. What’s even better is that the customers EMBR’s system brings in are of a targeted demographic, meaning the business or industry is already of interest to them.

EMBR has worked with some leading online brands that thrive off a digital marketing strategy – they utilise the ability that the internet provides to have a ‘store’ open 24/7 with marketing campaigns running simultaneously around the clock. Take a clothing brand, for example, that focuses on providing on-trend fashion to young women.

Here’s how our system can be significantly beneficial to businesses, in particular ecommerce businesses. EMBR is able to target and localise a large volume of a particular demographic and automatically drive customers to a business. We do this by optimising our system and linking it with strategic email marketing. Each person that has proved to be part of the desired demographic by confirming if they are, for example – a female aged 18-27, will be sent a brand specific email that includes a discount code. Once this code is used on the company’s online store, it’s clear that the customer has come through the EMBR system. This creates a clear distinction that our method is driving in potential customers and as a result, creating paying customers.

A simple generic ad may bring in a one-time customer, but here at EMBR we understand and see the value in building a customer base. Because after all, with online businesses constantly innovating and releasing new products it’s vital that customers are kept in the loop. A one-time customer is a potential on going customer. This is especially crucial for a business wanting to create a community for their customers, for example an on-trend clothing brand would appeals to young women who want the latest styles but also want clothes that are thoughtfully designed and well-made. It’d be a loss for them to not create a feeling of being included in a group that is stylish and up to date with the latest trends. This is achievable with a social media presence and email marketing. With EMBR’s proven system, we could potentially deliver around 40,000 subscribers to the business’s newsletter per month and with this added brand awareness, there’s high potential for growth in the business’s social presence. Remember, that that’s a targeted demographic streaming in, meaning the new subscribers already have a need for or interest in the business.

EMBR is determined to see businesses optimise their marketing and gain higher quantities of customers that comply with the desired demographic specifics. Our co-registration method brings proven results and will implement innovative brand awareness and customer base growth to any online business.

It’s important to ensure the highest standards of compliance are upheld within co-registration and email marketing. Our entire method is done within a privacy compliant environment to ensure the consumer’s privacy is protected and the brand is compliant under Australian Privacy and Spam legislation.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help you grow your customer database.

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