In Articles, Email Marketing, Lead Generation

Best Ways to Market Health Insurance

There are around 38 private health insurance companies in Australia. Each one offers several health insurance types depending on what you need. The health insurance market is so saturated that you have to find an interesting but efficient way to market what you have to offer.

But did you know that only 45.6% of Australians have private health insurance covering hospital treatment? That’s not even half! This is where effectively marketing health insurance becomes beneficial.

3 Ways to Effectively Market Health Insurance

We’ve listed a few ways on how you can best market health insurance in Australia.

  1. Identify your target market’s needs.

When it comes to marketing health insurance, it’s essential to provide what the market needs. Because there are a lot of types of health insurance coverage, you have to make sure that what you’re marketing addresses the need of your prospective customers. To do this, you need to identify and get to know your target market clearly.

Apart from getting to know their basic information e.g., age, gender, and income, it’s also good to find out their interests. To do this, you may employ the help of a leads generation company so you can explore the following channels:

  • Display advertising
  • Email marketing
  • Social media advertising

Hiring a leads generation specialist will help you create a targeted campaign for your desired target audience.

  1. Explore digital.

Statista notes that 88% of the Australian population actively used the internet in 2018. This just goes to show that when it comes to marketing health insurance, digital platforms should not be set aside. Explore doing organic and paid search marketing so that you can tap people who are already thinking about and looking for information about health insurance.

Digital is agile, which means you can continuously update your online marketing campaign depending on your weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly analytics report. Tweaking can be done in the middle of a campaign so you can ensure that you’re hitting your projected results.

  1. Engage with your audience.

Health is a personal topic, and when it comes to health insurance policies, it is also a personal choice. This is another aspect where getting to know your target market will become valuable. If you know who they are and what they need, then you can better engage with them. You can provide them with the right service they are looking for.

It also helps to master the product you’re trying to market to make a strong recommendation to your audience. Whatever platform you choose, whether through emails, your website, or your social media pages, make sure that you’re talking and engaging with your audience. Not only should you engage with them in the beginning, but you also need to sustain their interest. That way, you’re always top-of-mind when it comes to health insurance.

Need help with marketing health insurance? EMBR can help you out.

When it comes to marketing health insurance, consider partnering with EMBR. We specialise in Lead Generation services to help you grow your business. Talk to us today to discuss the perfect campaign for your acquisition goals.

Generate more Health Insurance Leads today with EMBR

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