In Articles, Email Marketing, Lead Generation

Best Ways to Market Life Insurance to Australians

Life insurance policies in Australia can be intimidating to anyone. It is quite complicated. There are different types of life insurance policy, e.g., trauma cover, life cover (death cover), income protection, etc. There are also a lot of life insurance companies offering almost the same thing. Ibis World identified over 20 life insurance companies in Australia. This just means that you have to think of a way to stand out from the clutter. In this kind of industry, it wouldn’t hurt to consult with the best lead generation company who can give you a customised marketing strategy.

To help you get started, below are some of the best ways to market life insurance to Australians.

Make it easily understandable

According to LifeWise, there is a low level of awareness when it comes to life insurance in Australia. In fact, one in three Australians does not get a life insurance outside of their super because they cannot understand what it is. Around 41% even said that life insurance is complicated, and one in four Australians doesn’t even know where to start. Life insurance can be complicated that 29% will say that life insurance is a topic that is too unpleasant or even difficult to talk about.

While these statistics make marketing life insurance challenging, you can use these learnings to your advantage. All these numbers point to one thing, Australians need to understand life insurance properly.

To be successful in marketing life insurance, you have to develop communication materials that are simple and easily understandable. You can use email marketing with accompanying infographics to present the data on life insurance in an interesting way. You can even be creative in creating images that are perfect for display advertising. Who says marketing life insurance has to be boring?

Get to know your potential market

Getting to know your target market will surely help in marketing life insurance. Are you targeting parents who don’t have life insurance yet? Or young adults who are still trying to budget their entry-level income that life insurance becomes the least of their priorities?

Your target market will clearly identify the type of message that you will convey in your marketing campaign. Clearly defining your audience will also ensure that your marketing campaign is targeted among the group you’ve identified and not to a general audience. If your marketing campaign is targeted, this means that you can maximise your sales and ROI.

Invest in digital

Nowadays, marketing life insurance to Australians online can prove to be more efficient than cold calling, knocking on doors, or driving to various appointments. The key is not to imbibe a “set-it-and-forget-it” attitude. You have to optimise your website and update it regularly to turn your website into a lead generation tool.

Having a strong social media presence can be helpful too. Invest in paid ads targeted to custom audiences for better ad performance.

For more ideas on how to best market life insurance to Australians, talk to us now. We can provide you with a marketing strategy that’s tailor fit to your targets and needs.

Generate more life insurance leads today!

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