In Business, Lead Generation

Jimmy L'Almont

About: Jimmy L’Almont

Jimmy L’Almont is the Managing Director of EMBR Group, a digital marketing agency that he founded in 2015. EMBR Group specialise in digital lead generation and new-client acquisition using expertise and proprietary technology.

Jimmy has an extensive background in sales and marketing and has worked as the national marketing manager for a leading Australian financial services firm where he pioneered new digital avenues for new client acquisition for some of the hardest and most competitive verticals in Financial Services, being Financial Planning, Life Insurance, Superannuation and Self-Managed Superannuation.

Prior to this position Jimmy spent 2 years at a national investment property firm that focused on booking appointments from leads and cold calling to to sell (arguably) the most difficult product you can sell: an investment property leveraged against your personal home. During Jimmy’s time, the company grew to be one of the largest and most successful in the country.

Jimmy’s expertise in sales and marketing in financial services has shaped EMBR to be a niche specialist firm for mortgage brokers, life insurance, superannuation, investment property and others in the field.

Jimmy has assembled a great team to provide a great service and great leads for EMBR’s clients.

Jimmy is married with two children and a border collie, They resides in inner-eastern Melbourne.


Jimmy L’Almont Linkedin


For more information on buying leads. Contact us today and let’s talk about how we can help you grow your business.

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