In Co Registration, Lead Generation

Are you looking for Super Leads? EMBR specialise in Superannuation Lead Generation.


EMBR could be mistaken for a dating service…

We specialise in facilitating conversations with potential investors that lead to meaningful long-term relationships.

Unlike other digital agencies, lead generation isn’t just ‘something we do’, it is the ONLY thing we do.

Through years of trial and error, research and technical development, we know how to specifically targeted leads for superannuation. We can locate and profile consumers that qualify for a superannuation comparison or that are already actively looking to make a change in the market.

We understand the intricacies of marketing your services to Australian investors. We know how to pre-qualify leads for you before they even reach your sales team to save you time and effort and increase ROI. With a data marketing strategy, the leads are obtained, profiled and qualified by us so that you can focus on what counts – converting the lead to a sale, hence increasing revenue and expanding your business. Superannuation leads are our speciality and forte.

Implementing a data-driven superannuation strategy will put you ahead of your industry peers and can determine your company as an industry leader. Through lead generation and marketing to the right demographic, you can work towards your clients feeling valued, satisfied and ultimately like you are the perfect partnership in their superannuation decisions. We partner our efforts with your sales conversion process to reach the end goal – consistent new client acquisition for your business.

Not only have our team had extensive experience previously working for some of Australia’s largest Financial Planning and Investment Groups, but some of our staff are even RG146 compliant and competent. We also put a high value on keeping up to date with superannuation and industry knowledge and standards, helping our clients receive the best ROI on their marketing and new client acquisition efforts.

With the weight of this experience behind us and the in-depth knowledge of current industry trends, we work with you to decipher your ideal customer. EMBR’s superannuation leads are generated through reverse engineered profiling to provide you and your sales team with leads ready for sales conversion.


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Consumer Profiling

So, who is your prime potential client? Who do you want to speak to? Are there any commonalities amongst all your existing clients? We don’t dictate to you who your lead should be. We work backwards from your ‘ideal client’ profile and hand craft a lead capture campaign to suit your requirements. The goal for us is to seek out as many opt-in leads who meet you criteria, for example, this could be:

  • Mum and dads
  • Aged 35 – 55 years old
  • Who own or are paying off their home
  • Earn over $80,000 household combined income
  • Living in metro areas within postcode targets: 3000 – 3189 and 4000 – 4125
  • Have a clean credit history
  • Are interested in learning how to invest and build wealth for their retirement
  • Are looking to reduce their debt or improve their finance structures

Whether you are looking to market self-managed superannuation fund setup, superannuation roll-over, consolidation or are looking for a combination of these types of leads, EMBR superannuation leads will suit your requirements.

Selecting the right target geography for your superannuation leads

We specialise in tight geographical targeted leads, where you are either restricted by franchise licensing or have personnel restrictions.  If you can only target metro areas or regional areas, we have the right targeting tools to assist you. We have developed a sophisticated postcode selection tool that allows you to draw a shape on a map and extract the postcodes you require for that particular campaign. Click here to discover our investment property leads geographical targeting tool.

Crafting the right message to attract those consumers

When you’re talking about generating superannuation leads that convert, you need the right messaging. We work closely with you to craft the right message to present to your profiled audience to engage them and draw out the right point of interest. Whether your strength is showing your potential client how they can leverage investment portfolios, setups, growth strategies or retirement plans, we help craft the right message to woo your potential clients.


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Creative conceptualisation and refreshing. Avoid Ad fatigue!

When you are running a large scale lead generation campaigns to a mass market, or even a niche product or service to a niche audience, you need to refresh your ad creative regularly. You cannot expect the same ad creative to continue to perform over and over again to the same audience. Either you need to refresh your ad creative and messaging, or show that add to a fresh audience. In Australia and New Zealand for example, we don’t have the same population and audience size as say Europe, Asia or USA. It is this population restriction that is precisely why static ad sets to static audiences experience continuously diminishing conversion rates. Ad fatigue is something that needs to be addressed and continuously monitored in order to ensure you continue to receive high volumes of traffic and your ad continues to be seen by the right audience.

Determining What Superannuation Lead Type is Best for You

There are multiple ways to acquire these specifically targeted leads that are best suited for superannuation lead conversion. And different lead sources are suited to different sales and acquisition structures within your business. Whether you have a 50 person call centre, or are providing higher quality leads to your financial advisors, We can generate them through a multitude and combination of avenues including:

Direct CPL lead generation from our pre-created funnels. – in many cases we have pre-existing generic superannuation lead generation pages live and its as simple as tapping into these to receive leads straight away.

Email Marketing – We can market to our affiliate network of 9.3 million+ Australian consumers which we can target by age, income, homeownership and geography to deliver your message right into their inbox for their consideration.

Co-registration Leads – We can generate thousands of live highly qualified and responsive leads per day on a ‘cost per lead’ basis. These leads will be presented with a branded opt-in question to filter them into your pre-determined target demographic.

Homeowner Profiled Leads – We can supply live specific leads opted in as homeowners, this cuts down categorising efforts and rejection rates on your end by putting you in conversation with only those proven to be a homeowner.

Superannuation Lead Delivery

Leads can be sent via real-time API into your CRM to be converted by your sales agents or sent via daily CSV exports emailed to you. This means that, depending on your CRM capability, you’ll receive real time or daily exported leads that are ready for a conversation.

We have the in-house expertise of knowing how to handle lead generation campaigns from a ‘client point of view’ and don’t just stop at delivering the leads. We can assist you with sales techniques, sales and follow up scripts and can couple you with the right CRM and marketing automation software to really take your superannuation lead generation campaign to the next level.

Follow up messaging and drip campaigns

So you have had a first date, so to speak. You have engaged the lead, spoken to them for the first time, now it’s time for the next day call. But how soon is too soon? You don’t want to sound desperate, but you don’t want to come across disinterested. EMBR can help you put together a series of trigger-automated sms and email campaigns that will draw out your potential clients intent and allow you to engage them at their real point of interest.

Conversion optimisation

The EMBR team work hard to source media and traffic from around the planet to ensure your campaigns perform, but naturally, some portions convert better than others. On every single lead you will receive, you will have a unique ID and source code for you to review your campaign at the end of the month and report back to us the best, average and poor performing traffic sources for us to then go out and optimise that campaign by cutting off the poor performers and increasing the good ones.

Compliance and consent

The two C’s. Superannuation leads need to be collected in a compliant environment by law in Australia. We ensure that nothing is published without your approval and sign off. Not only our advertising messaging and the wording in the advertisement, but also the nature in which the lead is collected, is done within a compliant nature and with full consent given from the consumer for you to contact them regarding their enquiry. Our superannuation lead generation campaigns are compliant with superannuation anti-hawking legislation. We do not offer any incentive, gimmick, giveaway, prize or hook other than the offer to speak with a licensed adviser about their superannuation. You will need to do your own due diligence regarding lead handling and product offering and advice.

Leads are the life blood of any business and our investment property leads are targeted to ensure your property sales pipeline is always full. Our aim and top priority is to see growth in your business. Implementing a lead generation strategy with EMBR will create an achievable plan to get a consistent flow of new client acquisitions.

Post-campaign analysis 

EMBR conduct the necessary post-campaign analysis of micro and macro factors involved with your campaign. The data, the statistics, on page factors, off page factors and more are gathered, analysed and assessed in order to measure the campaign, learn from it and improve on the next campaign. No campaign in the online advertising market has ever stayed the same throughout the years. The messaging changes, the market changes, the consumer’s behaviour changes, and unless you can understand this, you cannot keep ahead of it.

EMBR Superannuation Lead generation is also very advantageous for financial planners looking to target individuals suited to starting their own Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF). SMSF Lead generation is one of our specialties, as it involves narrowly targeting couples who are a certain age, of a certain financial literacy and have the right amount of funds in superannuation for it to be a viable investment option for them.



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